I am unique.

Why? It is because of experience. The experiences I have acquired shaped my personality, attitude, and have refined and even redefined my skills, hobbies, and talents. Being a swimming instructor has taught me how to plan well and to be time-oriented. The experience in being a head coach for the girls' volleyball team helped develop my patience, self-control, and my leadership abilities. As a lifeguard, I have learned to be more responsible. Being a lifeguard has also given me the experience of being an authority figure. I have personalities such as commitment, communication, passion, and being detailed-oriented that have been developed through playing sports and joining sports teams. Being a business editor for the yearbook team has made me more responsible, improved my leadership skills, and made me experience being in a position of importance, in which the tasks I do for the team has great weight on the outcome result. The Mexico mission team has made me a more compassionate person. This experience has also taught me not to be biased when judging or choosing an action plan, and to always see things from different points of perspectives. Playing guitar has shown me not only passion and commitment, but also that there is a time for work, and a time for relaxation and just having fun. I have many more experiences and even more lessons learned from all these experiences, and all of these have made me for who I am today – unique!